Tag Archives: small business

In Honor of National Button Day

17 Nov

We are working on new creations.  What do you think, cute as a button?



Gearing up for the Holidays

15 Nov

In Texas, it doesn’t get cold very often, but when it does I take full advantage and spend as much time as possible outside bundled in as many knits as I can.  This cold front meant that Tiffany got to wear her Breast Hat Ever for the first time!  We celebrated the cool weather by going to the park and a baby love class.  Everyone loved the idea of a giant boob on my baby’s head, I must admit it is by far my favorite thing that we have made thus far.  Can you even tell I am feeding her in this picture?

BraggAbout Creations is now accepting Etsy gift cards and credit cards just in time for the Christmas shopping that is about to begin. 

As I was filling out all of the forms to accept credit cards, I realized I need to add more hats for adults, I always sell them before I can get any decent photos!  I got to finish a piece this week for a local Austin artist.  I snapped a few photos on my mangled mannequin before I shipped it off.

I have always felt like it is such an honor when people who value one of a kind things ask us to create for them.  BAC always makes our creations a little bit different because you would shop at Target if you wanted something everyone else had.  I got creative freedom for this slouchy hat, and so I tested out some new techniques that have been running around in my head.  This hat features a mixture of crochet and knitting for a really great texture.  It is pretty spectacular in person.  I hope we get some photos of her in it.

We took Christmas photos on Monday by a photographer I have been wanting to shoot with for 2 years.  I won a shoot with her right before I had Tiffany, and she let us hold off until after Tiffany made her grand entrance.  My 5 week old was less than impressed that I wore a dress that did not grant her access to her food.  One hour away from the boobs and you think I was torturing her!  Daddy is working on taking more photos of us together, I find this picture HILARIOUS!  Don’t worry I fed her right after this.

Hope everyone else is loving the Holiday Season!  What are you doing to get ready?

Getting the Hang of It

12 Nov

I’m finally getting the hang of handling Tiffany and completing the orders for BraggAbout Creations. I’ve learned that the quickest way to calm my screaming child is to take her outside.  A lot of knitting has taken place at the park and in our front yard this week.

The method is working, and TWO orders will be getting mailed out, and a third is almost complete. Currently there is a women’s slouchy hat on the needles.  I’m experimenting with texture and using both knitting and crochet for this one.  Fingers crossed it turns out well.

Hope everyone is having a great day!  I may be updating soon with a sneak peak from our Christmas photos =)

Giveaway Reminder

29 Oct

There are just a few days left to enter the giveaway we’re sponsoring at Little Willow Tree.   Don’t forget to enter and grab your extra entries by sharing on instagram with #braggaboutawareness by #braggaboutcreations.  There may be a discount code ❤


Thankful Thursday

25 Oct

My favorite day of the week!  It’s Thankful Thursday with Mustache Mama.

My list of things I’m thankful for is overflowing.  I’m thankful that Texas is finally getting a cold front so the family can start wearing some of our knits.  It’s much more fun to wear our creations than to just look at them.  I’m thinking tonight I will be wearing the “Forever” Infinity Scarf, I adore it’s chunky texture.I’m SO very thankful that our adventure with gas drops worked and Baby T is both comfortable and sleeping right now.  That makes for one happy mama.  She went from a max sleeping time of 3 hours (but an average of 1 hour) to 6 whole hours last night!  My brain is actually able to process ideas, it’s pretty amazing if you ask me.  (note that my islander baby got tan skin, red hair, and blue eyes.  I’m thinking a future modeling career is in the works)

I’m thankful for such a creative partner.  I love to watch B create and love that we feed on each others creative energy.  I’m  currently knitting some really cute hats from some ideas he had.  I can’t wait to finish them so I can show them off.  B’s dad will be visiting us in just a few hours.  I’m not sure if he is more excited to show off the baby or our compost pile.


And finally I’m so thankful that BraggAbout Creations is sponsoring our first giveaway!! You still have time to enter over at Little Willow Tree‘s blog.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful week and has a huge list of thankfuls!

We’re Sponsoring a Giveaway!

21 Oct

The Crafty Side of Sarcasm recently sent me a gift card to a craft store as part of a Pay it Forward project.  We decided to continue paying it forward by sponsoring a giveaway over at The Little Willow Tree’s blog.

One of our biggest goals at BraggAbout Creations has always been to share our art in order to raise awareness and funds for causes we care about.  We are so excited for the very first cause that we sponsor to be about breastfeeding and breast cancer awareness, especially since we just started our breastfeeding journey with our sweet little one. 

We will be giving away our newest creation “The Breast Hat Ever” as well as donating 25% of the sales from the hat to cancer research.  Purchases can of be customized to various skin colors and sizes.  Head on over to The Little Willow Tree for more details on how to enter for your chance to win a BraggAbout Creation!